Trust and Open Communication

MERRY views employees as the most important partners in the company's operations. Starting from sustainable talent development, we emphasize the values and practices of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), committing to creating a safe, equitable, and diverse working environment. We ensure that employees will not face discrimination, harassment, or unequal treatment based on race, gender, religion, age, political affiliation, or any other condition protected by applicable laws.
30.99% of Female Senior Executives Ratio
Investment in training reached NT$5.26 million
Total training hours 233,619 hours
No major occupational disasters
Complete the human rights due diligence report
Human Rights Due Diligence
Human Rights Policy
MERRY Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "MERRY"), as a responsible corporate citizen in the electronics industry and in adherence to the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) commitment, fulfills its corporate social responsibility to protect the basic human rights of all employees. MERRY supports and complies with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labor Organization, and other international human rights conventions. MERRY prohibits any acts that infringe upon or violate human rights and explicitly declares a commitment to treating all employees with fairness and equity.
Scope of Application
MERRY's Human Rights Policy applies to MERRY and all its operating locations.
Management Principles
MERRY has established the following management principles for significant human rights issues:
  • A.Prohibition of forced labor
  • Prohibition of child labor
  • Prohibition of all forms of discrimination and harassment
  • Provision of fair wages and working conditions
  • Provision of a safe and healthy work environment
  • Respect for employees' freedom of association
Human Rights Governance
MERRY actively engages in human rights management and integrates it into daily operations to ensure respect and protection of human rights in all aspects. Our human rights governance is composed of the Board of Directors, management, and relevant organizational units. The Board of Directors and the Sustainability Development and Nomination Committee under the Board of Directors are the highest decision-making bodies on human rights. Their primary responsibilities include formulating corporate social responsibility and sustainability development directions and goals, developing relevant management policies and specific implementation plans, and tracking and reviewing implementation progress and effectiveness. Human rights management is coordinated by the Friendly Workplace unit under the ESG Sustainable Development Promotion Team
Human Rights Education and Training
Currently, the Taiwan HQ, MERRY Shenzhen, and MERRY Vietnam conduct human rights-related education and training for new employees upon onboarding. Other operating locations will gradually incorporate human rights promotion and education into their training plans.


Human Rights Education and Training
Location Participants Execution Time/Method Training Percentage Total Training Hours
Taiwan HQ


All new hires (excl. assigned)


Equal Employment/Contract Signing

Anti-Discrimination & Harassment Training
MERRY Shenzhen All employees 2023 RBA training program 99% 39,600
MERRY Vietnam All employees 2023 RBA training program 100% 2,656

※Statistical period: January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 ※Training completion rate = (Actual number of trainees at the location) / (Number of employees required to be trained at the location) ※The training completion rate for some locations was less than 100% due to employees being on probation or taking extended leave


Human Rights Due Diligence ProcessHRsurvey
Based on industry characteristics, 9 human rights risk issues related to stakeholders were identified:
A. Freedom of Employment B. Child Labor C. Working Hours
D. Wages and Benefits E. Discrimination/ Harassment F. Health and Safety
G. Freedom of Association H. Humane Treatment I. Diversity and Inclusion
Frequency of Review
2023 marked the initial human rights due diligence assessment. Going forward, MERRY will conduct periodic reviews of its human rights management practices, with a minimum frequency of once every three years. These reviews will encompass the examination of human rights management issues, the formulation and implementation of mitigation plans, and the issuance of human rights identification reports.
Survey Coverage
The questionnaire survey primarily targeted senior executives at the Taiwan HQ, along with top executives and HR representatives from subsidiaries, as representatives of the entire workforce. Based on this criterion, 37 representatives were selected, and a total of 31 questionnaires were received, resulting in a response rate of 83.8%.
Risk Issue IdentificationRisk Issue Identification
Human Rights Risk Mitigation and Remediation Measures
Based on the questionnaire results, none of the nine issues were identified as high risk requiring immediate action.After assessing the severity and likelihood of each human rights risk issue, the two were multiplied to calculate a relative risk score. The issues with higher risk scores are listed below and will be monitored accordingly.
Ranking Major Human Rights Issues Risk Issue Description Mitigation and Remedial Measures
1 Working Hours
  • Daily/monthly overtime hours exceeding the legal limit
  • Weekly working hours exceeding the legal limit
  • Failure to comply with the statutory rest day cycle
  • The attendance system will issue an "Attendance Anomaly Notification" to the employee and their direct supervisor when it detects attendance activities that do not comply with regulations, in order to promptly control potential risks.
  • If an employee's accumulated attendance or overtime records are approaching the legal limit, an "Attendance Anomaly Reminder" will be issued to the employee and their direct supervisor.
  • A comprehensive attendance report will be submitted to supervisors, highlighting items with working hour risks to facilitate manpower and work arrangements.
  • In the event of any relevant incidents, internal regulations will be strictly enforced, and employees' due rights will be restored.
2 Discrimination/ Sexual harassment Employees experiencing any form of threats, abuse, exploitation, discrimination, etc. No appropriate response to incidents of harassment or bullying experienced by employees, or responding with a passive, indifferent attitude to issues or experiences raised by employees Lack of effective channels for employees to report problems, such as hotline phone numbers, email inboxes, or ineffective operation of related employee complaint mechanisms Lack of regular promotion and training on relevant issues and complaint channels
  • From the start of the recruitment process, and except where necessary for job performance, we adhere to internal control procedures to prevent unlawful discrimination.
  • • In personnel management, we prioritize talent and suitability for the role, avoiding the use of irrelevant personal characteristics as management criteria.
  • We provide multiple channels for reporting concerns, including the 118000 hotline and email, physical employee suggestion boxes, and labor-management meetings, ensuring employees can raise issues at any time.
  • New employees receive training on discrimination and sexual harassment upon joining the company.
  • If an investigation confirms a violation, corrective actions will be taken through tracking, evaluation, and supervision to rectify the offender's behavior and ensure effective disciplinary or remedial measures.
  • We offer counseling and support, and when necessary, refer individuals to professional counseling and medical institutions.
3 Health and safety Employees experiencing health hazards in the workplace, requiring treatment for full or partial recovery. Examples include: work-related injuries, occupational diseases, exposure to hazardous substances, and working in hazardous environments.
  • Establish emergency preparedness and response procedures for major disasters: All items that may have an impact and hazard on the environment and safety should be prepared daily and respond immediately in the event of a disaster. An emergency response team is also established, and the organization, responsibilities, operating standards, and procedures of each member are formulated.
  • Conduct fire safety, occupational safety, and health training to enhance employees' awareness of fire safety, occupational safety, and health.
  • Regularly conduct "health checkups" and "special physical examinations" to maintain employees' health.
  • Hire full-time nurses and contract physicians to provide employees with health consultations, guidance, and care
  • Conduct graded health management for new employee physical examination reports and on-the-job employee health examination reports. In addition to health guidance, proactively arrange doctor interviews. Conduct health investigations for maternal health protection, musculoskeletal disease prevention, overload prevention, and workplace illegal prevention in the workplace protection plan. For high-risk cases, arrange one-on-one medical advice and follow-up guidance from doctors.
  • In the event of a hazard incident, provide leave and salary supplements in accordance with the law.
4 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Underrepresentation of employees with disabilities
  • Inability to embrace/include foreign cultures
  • Unequal development due to gender bias/discrimination
  • Complying with legal requirements for hiring a sufficient number of employees with disabilities.
  • Paying a compensatory fee for any shortfall in the legally required number of employees with disabilities.
  • Providing workplace accommodations that exceed legal requirements.
  • Regularly organizing cultural awareness activities for different overseas subsidiaries.
  • Regularly holding training sessions and seminars on gender equality and anti-discrimination.


Human Rights Implementation

All MERRY' operating facilities adhere to local labor and employment laws, as well as international standards, prioritizing workers' rights, occupational safety, and health. We strive to maintain a safe and healthy work environment, strictly prohibiting any form of harassment or discrimination based on race, religion, color, nationality, gender, freedom of association, privacy, forced labor, child labor, or any other unethical hiring practices. Our "MERRY's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics" and related regulations, applicable to all global locations, safeguard employee rights and establish grievance channels and disciplinary measures, while ensuring strict confidentiality for complainants. In 2023, there were no reported human rights violations. The company has developed a Human Rights Policy, presented it to the Board of Directors, and published it on the company website. Additionally, MERRY has conducted human rights due diligence.

To ensure a safe and respectful work environment across all operating facilities, MERRY provides human rights training to new employees at its Taiwan headquarters, as well as in Shenzhen and Vietnam. Other locations are being gradually included in the human rights awareness and training program. MERRY assesses human rights risks at each operating location and has identified major manufacturing sites (Shenzhen, Thailand, Vietnam) as potentially high-risk areas. In addition to implementing relevant human rights measures, the company proactively participates in the RBA Validated Assessment Program (VAP) to strengthen human rights management at these locations and enable clients to easily access MERRY' verification results through RBA-Online.

Has maintained RBA Silver certification since 2018 through proactive participation in the RBA Validated Assessment Program (VAP)
The company successfully renewed its certification in 2023 following a thorough audit.
Achieved RBA Gold certification in 2021 through the RBA VAP.
. In 2023, the company voluntarily underwent another audit and maintained RBA Silver certification.
MERRY Thailand
Established an internal human rights self-assessment system in 2023, with annual assessments.
The 2023 self-assessment revealed no major human rights deficiencies.
Employee Communication
MERRY is committed to fostering diverse channels for employee communication, establishing effective two-way dialogue, and ensuring accurate and efficient dissemination of company information to strengthen labor-management relations.
Communication Channels Goals 2023 Achievements
All Hands Meeting Establish two-way communication channels at the operational, strategic, and implementation levels to convey current operational goals and future development directions, key policy explanations, and Q&A interactions. Through communication in these three areas, we can build team consensus, ensuring that every MERRY employee fully understands the company's goals and works together to achieve them. Employee questions and suggestions are collected before and after each event, and corresponding answers and adjustments are made to ensure that employees fully understand the company's key operational indicators and strategies. In 2023, a total of three events were held, with an average attendance rate of 86.2% and a satisfaction rating of 4.6 (on a five-point scale).
2023 Employee Satisfaction Survey Through opinion surveys, gather insights into employee perceptions of company culture, communication, diversity, equity, inclusion, and friendliness, and obtain feedback on company activities and policies. The survey consisted of 10 questions, with a response rate of 70% and an overall average score of 4.3 out of 5. Among the categories, the "Friendly Workplace" aspect received the highest score, indicating that employees recognize and appreciate the company's efforts in this area, such as providing paid family care leave, organizing health activities, and offering convenient facilities. However, the scores for "Corporate Culture Communication" and "Book Club Participation" were relatively lower. In response to employee feedback, we will incorporate their suggestions into our action plan for 2024.
Annual Talent Development Needs Assessment Survey To understand employees' needs for soft skills development, an annual survey was conducted to gather their preferences for training topics and language learning needs, serving as a reference for annual planning. The survey, with a response rate exceeding 51%, identified employee interests and goals to guide the selection of annual soft skills training topics and language development directions.
Annual Cross-Team Collaboration Survey MERRY' corporate culture values continuous improvement and innovation, and strives to create a positive impact through integrity and reliability. Therefore, we annually select outstanding cross-functional teams to recognize and encourage their achievements, using positive examples to motivate and inspire all teams. This survey consisted of 8 questions and utilized a voting system. Focusing on "Project Execution" and "Cross-Team Collaboration" as the two main aspects, the survey achieved a participation rate of 42%. Outstanding teams were publicly recognized and encouraged during a company-wide event. Additionally, positive feedback collected from the survey was shared with the high-performing teams. Through this initiative, we aim to foster a spirit of healthy competition and collaboration among teams, ultimately enhancing overall team performance and serving as a catalyst for the company's continued growth.
LaborManagement Meetings Through dialogue and collaboration between labor and management representatives, labor-management meetings aim to enhance communication and discussion, fostering harmonious and stable relations between both parties. Four labor-management meetings are held annually to discuss and reach decisions on key quarterly activities or labor-related policies. In 2023, a total of one employee suggestion was received, and corresponding activities were organized based on this feedback.
Employee Complaints and Feedback By allowing anonymous feedback, employees can express their concerns truthfully, enabling the company to accurately understand and address issues. In 2023, a total of 64 employee complaints and feedback were received, covering a range of topics including policies, systems, compensation and benefits, accommodation, and more. Each complaint and feedback have been investigated and improvements have been made accordingly.
01 MDA Digital Assistant
To ensure employees have timely access to company information, MERRY has established the MDA Digital Assistant (MERRY Digital Assistant platform) within its mobile app system. This one-stop service platform integrates personal attendance information, various to-do lists, dining information, welfare status, and reservation services, among other functions. Employees can access it anytime on their computers, mobile phones, or tablets, achieving truly seamless and barrier-free information delivery.
02 HR Partner Zone-HR is always here for you!
In 2023, the HR Partner Zone was established on the employee website, featuring eight main thematic sections, including "Newcomers Set Sail GO", "HR Bulletin Board", and the "Employee Suggestion Box". "Newcomers Set Sail GO" is specifically designed to provide friendly information for new employees to help them adapt to their new work environment smoothly. The "HR Bulletin Board" allows employees to access the latest company news promptly. The "Employee Suggestion Box" collects employee opinions and suggestions for the company to better improve and enhance the employee work experience. The HR Partner Zone integrates both systemic and procedural information, providing employees with a comprehensive digital platform for easy access to various relevant information.


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