Creating Positive Environmental Impact

In 2023, Board of Directors approved the updated Group Environmental Sustainability Policy and Commitments, aiming for the group to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040. The RE100 (renewable energy usage) target is set to be reached by 2040 as well. Additionally, environmental protection policies, water resource policies, chemical policies, and biodiversity and no-deforestation policies have been established to progressively promote the sustainability actions of Merry . We also encourage value chain partners to participate in environmental protection initiatives, thereby raising awareness and achieving sustainable development.
Utilized 23.11% renewable energy, totaling 6,978 MWh
Energy intensity decreased by 6.11%
GHG emissions in Scope 1 & 2 decreased by 14.09%
Water intake reduced by 17.24%
MERRY Shenzhen has completed the TCFD analysis.
Key Goals:2040 carbon neutrality
As a global leader in electroacoustic manufacturing,
Merry actively addresses the environmental and resource issues brought about by climate change.
Climate-related Financial Disclosures(TCFD)
The governance level of MERRY acknowledges the potential impact of climate change on its operations and long-term development. Since 2020, it has been implementing climate change-related management mechanisms, progressively expanding the scope of assessments regarding climate-related risks and opportunities each year.
Climate Governance
Board Oversight The Board of Directors serves as the ultimate decision-making body for climate change risk management at MERRY, overseeing the approval of relevant risk management policies, monitoring the implementation of climate-related risk management, providing guidance on response strategies, and supervising the outcomes and achievement of goals related to these initiatives.
Management responsibilities

Sustainable Development and Nomination Committee:

Chaired by Independent Director Wu Huihuang, with CEO Huang Zhaofeng serving as Chief Sustainability Officer, the committee convenes regular meetings to plan, execute, and review sustainability initiatives. Additionally, it serves as the supervisory body for climate risk and opportunity assessments.

Risk Management Team:

The department dedicated to risk management at MERRY leads the establishment of cross-departmental working groups to carry out climate change risk identification and response plan implementation. They coordinate the planning of risk and opportunity identification and response plan processes. Company X's climate change risk assessment operations are structured within the ISO 31000 management system framework, integrated with existing risk management operations, and executed annually. Additionally, the Risk Management Team regularly confirms execution outcomes, integrates climate change risk management reports, and reports the results of climate change risk and opportunity assessments to the Board at least once a year, guiding the execution of climate risk and opportunity management.

From 2023 to the first quarter of 2024, the Risk Management Team held three meetings to assess climate change risks and opportunities at the Shenzhen plant and proposed response plans for key risks. The outcomes are incorporated into relevant operational promotion plans and regularly reported to the Sustainability Promotion Committee and the Board, serving as governance decision references.

Climate Change Working Group:

Composed of department heads from various departments, this cross-functional team is responsible for driving climate change risk and opportunity management. It convenes relevant unit colleagues to assess risks and opportunities and plan response strategies.


Climate Scenario
Although MERRY does not belong to industries with high carbon emissions intensity, the effects of global warming resulting from climate change still impact significant stakeholders of MERRY. To promptly respond to market trends and potential customer demands, MERRY conducts scenario analysis to identify climate change risks and opportunities. The outcomes of this assessment are thoroughly reviewed by business units and functional departments to serve as guidelines for daily operational adjustments. Additionally, regular progress and outcome reports are provided to the Sustainability Development and Nomination Committee and the Board, serving as reference factors for corporate decision-making.
In consideration of these factors, MERRY selects the SSP5-8.5 scenario for physical risk Risk Inventory Financial Impact Assessment of Risks and Opportunities Response Planning and Reporting Key Risk Analysis Identify and list climate-related risks and opportunities relevant to MERRY based on domestic and international regulations and the expectations of external stakeholders. Consider the likelihood of risks/ opportunities occurring and their impact on operations, assess the potential financial impact items and their severity. For key risks and opportunities, considering the severity of financial impacts, evaluate response strategies (mitigation, transfer, acceptance, control) and plan response measures. Report according to internal management processes; disclose regularly in the sustainability report. Execution Method: Invite relevant units to assess and discuss; the Risk Management Team evaluates and confirms the analysis results. Evaluation Dimensions: Timeframes for potential risk occurrence (short-term 1-3 years, medium-term 5-10 years, longterm 10 years or more), likelihood of risk occurrence, locations where risks may occur (direct operations, upstream supply chain, downstream customers), and the impact severity of risks. Evaluation Items: Transformation (policy and regulations, technology, market, reputation) risks, Physical (immediate, long-term) risks. The analysis results are quantitatively ranked, and the top three risks and opportunities are selected as key risks. assessment and the national target scenario for transition risk assessment. Furthermore, it evaluates external information such as policy changes, physical environment, social factors, and technological advancements as the basis for the annual climate change risk assessment.


Risk Management
According to MERRY’s climate change risk management process, it identifies climate-related risks and opportunities, evaluates response strategy options, and regularly conducts internal and external reporting. Climate-related risk factors have been integrated into Company X's existing risk management mechanisms and are regularly promoted by the Risk Management Team.
Risk Inventory Identify and list climate-related risks and opportunities relevant to MERRY based on domestic and international regulations and the expectations of external stakeholders.
Key Risk Analysis Execution Method:Invite relevant units to assess and discuss; the Risk Management Team evaluates and confirms the analysis results.
Evaluation Dimensions:Timeframes for potential risk occurrence (short-term 1-3 years, medium-term 5-10 years, longterm 10 years or more), likelihood of risk occurrence, locations where risks may occur (direct operations, upstream supply chain, downstream customers), and the impact severity of risks.
Evaluation Items:Transformation (policy and regulations, technology, market, reputation) risks, Physical (immediate, long-term) risks. The analysis results are quantitatively ranked, and the top three risks and opportunities are selected as key risks.
Financial Impact Assessment of Risks and Opportunities Consider the likelihood of risks/ opportunities occurring and their impact on operations, assess the potential financial impact items and their severity
Response Planning and Reporting For key risks and opportunities, considering the severity of financial impacts, evaluate response strategies (mitigation, transfer, acceptance, control) and plan response measures. Report according to internal management processes; disclose regularly in the sustainability report.


Indicators and Targets
MERRY declares its commitment to achieving carbon neutrality for the Group by 2040, in alignment with international trends and the national goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. In response to this commitment, MERRY identifies climate change risks and opportunities and integrates them with existing sustainability objectives. It sets relevant indicators and targets accordingly.
  Indicator 2023 Target and Achievement 2025 Target 2030 Target
Governance Group Risk Management and Continuous Operation Plan
  • Enhance risk management mechanisms, strengthen climate governance, and increase governance participation at all levels.
  • Expand climate risk assessment to include the Shenzhen factory
  • Promote relevant systems in Chinese operating locations.
  • Promote relevant systems in all operating locations
Strategy Sustainable Product Design Revenue
  • Utilize environmentally friendly materials for 30% of headset components.
  • Use environmentally friendly materials for 35% of headset packaging.
  • Implement optimization of PCBs in 20% of designated development projects.
  • Optimize product power consumption by 8%.
  • Increase product charging efficiency by 10%
  • Increase the usage of environmentally friendly materials for headset components to 35%.
  • Use environmentally friendly materials for packaging to 45%.
  • Implement optimization of PCB size in 30% of designated development projects.
  • Optimize product power consumption by 20%.
  • Increase product charging efficiency by 18%.
  • Define high carbon emitting materials and products (top 30% in carbon emissions) as sustainable materials.
  • Establish a comprehensive environmental database to calculate product carbon footprints.
  • Produce the first carbon-neutral headset.
  • Develop and review the sustainable materials database, and review product life cycles.
  • Conduct product carbon footprint audits and product lifecycle design certifications.
Strategy Renewable Energy Usage Ratio (RE100)
  • Commit to achieving the RE100 target by 2040.
  • Utilize 6,978 MWh of renewable energy, accounting for 23.11% of the total electricity
  • Aim to have the group's usage of renewable energy reach 50%.
  • Aim to have the group's usage of renewable energy reach 75%.
Risk Management Carbon Emission Intensity and Energy Intensity (Base Year 2020)
  • The Board has approved advancing the target to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040.
  • Reduce carbon emission intensity by 5.06% compared to 2020.
  • Category 1 intensity increased by 100.93% compared to 2020, while Category 2 intensity decreased by 9.61%.
  • Energy intensity increased by 4.21% compared to 2020.
  • Implement greenhouse gas inventory system.
  • Implement Science-Based Targets (SBT).
  • Reduce carbon emission intensity by 12% compared to the baseline year.
  • Reduce energy intensity by 7.5% compared to the baseline year.
  • Develop execution plans for the Group's carbon neutrality by 2040
  • Follow Science-Based Targets for carbon reduction.
  • Reduce energy intensity by 15% compared to the baseline year.
  • Develop execution plans for the Group's carbon neutrality by 2040.


Climate Risks and Opportunities
Based on the choice of climate scenarios and the mechanisms of risk management, MERRY systematically promotes climate risk and opportunity assessments annually. This process involves considering political regulations, economic activities, physical environment, social factors, and technological aspects, evaluating both transitional and physical risks as recommended by the TCFD framework. Additionally, MERRY assesses the impact of relevant risk factors across its value chain. In 2023, MERRY expanded its assessment scope to include the Shenzhen factory, enhancing the intensity and breadth of climate risk management. Significant physical and transitional risks are summarized in the table below. Starting from the second quarter of 2024, MERRY plans to delve deeper into quantifying the potential financial impacts of these risks, establishing mechanisms for cost or revenue estimations. The quantified results will be reported to the Sustainability and Nomination Committee.
Taiwan HQ
MERRY Senzhen
  Significant Risk Factors Timeframe Sphere of Impact Potential Financial Impacts Response Strategies and Plans Corresponding Opportunities Strategies for Mitigating Financial Impacts and Realizing Opportunities
Physical Risk Short-Term Physical:Extreme Weather Disrupting Operations or Employee Transportation Short Term (1-3 years) Direct Operations Increased Capital Expenditure, Higher Asset Losses Enhance Internal Emergency Response Capability
Regularly Assess Asset Placement
Utilize Insurance to Mitigate Property Losses
Resource Efficiency: Employing more efficient production and distribution processes. Introducing automated production systems to enhance product efficiency and reduce on-site manpower requirements. Incorporating supply chain disruption considerations due to climate change into production and sales planning.
Lowering direct costs, reducing indirect costs.
實體風險 Short-Term Physical:Disruption in Supply Chain Transportation due to Extreme Weather Short Term (1-3 years) Upstream Suppliers Increased Indirect Operational Costs Continuously Enhance Supplier Management, Utilize Business Insurance to Mitigate Losses
Physical Risk Short-Term Physical::Extreme weather leading to production disruptions. Short Term (1-3 years) Direct Operations Increased capital costs. Continuously promote ESG-related initiatives, obtain preferential sustainable-linked loans to alleviate the pressure of increased capital costs.
Transition Risk Technology:Failure in sustainable material development and application. Short Term (1-3 years) Direct Operations Loss of capital investment, revenue decline due to decreased demand. Develop partnerships with academia and industry.
Continue investing in green material research and development.
Seek collaboration with suppliers.
Product and service: Research and innovation in developing new products and services.
Utilize environmental/sustainable materials to enhance product competitiveness. Continue promoting low-carbon design and utilize better, lighter, and lower-carbon materials. Continuously develop products in line with customer demand, convey information about low-carbon products from MERRY, and seek strategic partnership opportunities. Increase revenue due to increased demand for products and services.
Transition Risk Market:Consumers opt for lower-carbon goods or services. Short Term (1-3 years) Direct Operations Revenue decreases due to declining demand Monitor international low-carbon trends, industry dynamics, and customer expectations regularly, with relevant findings reported internally. Market: Entry into new markets
Continuously promote the development of proprietary brands and expand application areas. Low-carbon designs resulting in light, thin, short, and small products can enable the company to enter existing markets. Increased demand for products and services leads to increased revenue.
Transition Risk Market:Increased cost of acquiring low-carbon raw materials Short Term (1-3 years) Direct Operations Direct cost in - crease Continuously deepen supplier management. Continuous investment in process research and development. Market: Patent layout
Actively utilize internal patent proposal mechanisms to assist in patent acquisition. Continuously promote the protection of trade secrets to prevent leakage of decarbonization technologies and processes.
Reduce indirect costs and increase revenue due to increased demand for products and services.
  Significant Risk Factors Timeframe Sphere of Impact Potential Financial Impacts Response Strategies and Plans Corresponding Opportunities Strategies for Mitigating Financial Impacts and Realizing Opportunities
Physical Risk Short-Term Physical::Disruption to own operations due to extreme weather events. Short Term (1-3 years) Direct Operations A decrease in production capacity leads to a reduction in revenue. Continuously strengthen daily disaster preparedness and insurance planning.
Implement flexible production scheduling mechanisms to enhance emergency response capabilities.
Resilience:Sustainable supply chain management, adoption of renewable energy, monitoring carbon trading markets.
Short-term: Promote sustainable supply chain management to reduce raw material supply risks and continue developing alternative materials.
Medium-term: Gradually increase the proportion of renewable energy use to reduce risks associated with policy regulations (such as power restrictions); this may also potentially reduce production costs (such as electricity bills) in the future.
Long-term: Continuously monitor the carbon trading market and participate in carbon quota trading as appropriate. Reduce indirect costs.
Reduce Indirect Costs
Physical Risk Short-Term Physical:Disruption to supply chain transportation due to extreme weather events. Short Term (1-3 years) Direct Operations, Upstream Suppliers Decreased revenue due to reduced production capacity Continuously deepen supply chain management to avoid reliance on a single supplier. Continuously diversify production facilities to prevent a single operational location from being affected.
Transition Risk Market:Increased stringency of customer demands on products or processes. Short Term (1-3 years) Direct Operations A decrease in demand for products or services leads to a reduction in revenue. Promoting green production involves planning the implementation of relevant equipment and tools. Products and Services:Developing and/or increasing low-carbon goods and services.
Short-term: Continuously develop low-carbon designs, utilizing materials that are lighter, require less, and are recyclable for product design.
Medium to Long-term: Evaluate the promotion of new markets, such as the automotive market.
Increasing demand for products and services resulting in increased revenue


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