Creating Positive Environmental Impact

In 2023, Board of Directors approved the updated Group Environmental Sustainability Policy and Commitments, aiming for the group to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040. The RE100 (renewable energy usage) target is set to be reached by 2040 as well. Additionally, environmental protection policies, water resource policies, chemical policies, and biodiversity and no-deforestation policies have been established to progressively promote the sustainability actions of Merry . We also encourage value chain partners to participate in environmental protection initiatives, thereby raising awareness and achieving sustainable development.
Utilized 23.11% renewable energy, totaling 6,978 MWh
Energy intensity decreased by 6.11%
GHG emissions in Scope 1 & 2 decreased by 14.09%
Water intake reduced by 17.24%
MERRY Shenzhen has completed the TCFD analysis.
Key Goals:2040 carbon neutrality
As a global leader in electroacoustic manufacturing,
Merry actively addresses the environmental and resource issues brought about by climate change.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Management
Merry is committed to greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and has continuously expanded the organizational boundaries for GHG inventory in recent years to accurately grasp GHG emission status and set clear carbon reduction targets. Since 2007, the Taiwan headquarters has been conducting organizational GHG inventories in accordance with ISO 14064-1 standards and has passed third-party verification. The GHGs are the seven gases listed in the Kyoto Protocol, and the organizational boundaries for the inventory have been expanded year by year.Compared to 2022, six new sites were added to the inventory in 2023 (Merry Singapore, Merry Hong Kong, Austar, Merry USA, Merry North America, and Merry Malaysia). Additionally, three sites were included in the scope of third-party verification in 2023 (Merry Vietnam, Merry Singapore, and Merry Hong Kong). The current baseline year is set to 2020, with Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions amounting to 17,312.30 t-CO2e for that year.
According to Merry's GHG inventory advancement and Science-Based Targets (SBT) planning schedule, the company aims to complete the GHG inventory for the entire group for the years 2022 and 2023 by the end of 2024 and will reset the baseline year accordingly.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory (Scope 1 and 2; Categories 1 and 2)
In 2023, the total emissions for Scope 1 and 2 amounted to 18,261.38 t-CO2e. If we consider the 2022 inventory scope (Taiwan headquarters, Merry Shenzhen, Merry Vietnam, Merry Thailand), the 2023 emissions for Scope 1 and 2 were 17,759.48 t-CO2e, which is a reduction of 3,495.05 t-CO2e (-16.44%) compared to 2022. Below are the main changes in emissions for each site:。

Taiwan HQ

This increase was mainly due to the addition of two new office areas in 2023, leading to higher electricity usage and refrigerant emissions within the inventory boundary

Merry Shenzhen

The main reasons for the reduction were the decreased use of shuttle buses within the plant, reducing Scope 1 emissions by 15.40%, the installation of a heat recovery system for air compressors, central air conditioning temperature regulation, and the implementation of energysaving systems within the plant, which reduced Scope 2 emissions by 12.37% compared to 2022.

Merry Vietnam

The primary reason for the reduction was the activation of a rooftop solar power system in June 2023, which, although not owned by the company, provided 1,213,345 kWh of electricity directly, significantly reducing Scope 2 emissions.

Merry Thailand

This increase was primarily due to higher production volumes in 2023. Merry Thailand has set reduction plans for fuel usage, such as prioritizing electric vehicles for business trips and replacing fuel with renewable energy. A rooftop solar power system is scheduled to be activated in February 2024, which is expected to reduce emissions by approximately 16%.


GHG Emission
GHG Emission Intensity
GHG Emissions by Type
Unit:CO2e-t 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023(Original Boundary) 2023(Expanded Boundary)
Scop 1 Category 1 625.39 742.3 1,348.58 1,282.06 1,429.07 1,591.62
Scop 2 Category 2 16,136.77 17,312.30 24,674.52 19,972.47 16,330.41 16,669.76
Scop 3 Category 3~6 - 413.69 1,973.88 15,874.10 12,824.29 14,692.07
Scop 1+2(Category1~2) 16,762.16 18,054.59 26,023.08 21,254.53 17,759.48 18,261.38

Scop 1+2+3(Category1~6)

16,762.16 18,468.29 27,996.96 37,128.62 30,583.78 32,953.45
YEAR 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Scope 1 0.0172 0.0216 0.04 0.04 0.04
Scope 2 0.44 0.50 0.68 0.56 0.45
Scope 3 - 0.012 0.05 0.45 0.40
Scope 1+2(Original Boundary) 0.4605 0.5242 0.7192 0.6004 0.484
Scope 1+2(Expanded Boundary)
 - 0.6004 0.4977
Scope 1+2+3 0.46 0.54 0.77 1.05 0.90
GHG TYPE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023(Original Boundary) 2023年(Expanded Boundary)
CO2 133.43 144.26 597.44 619.85 772.56 789.54
CH4 449.22 578.44 729.78 596.16 405.77 433.87
N2O 4.17 3.32 3.41 2.19 2.44 2.46
HFCs 32.64 16.27 17.93 63.86 248.29 365.75
PFCs - - - - - -
SF6 - - - - - -
Others - - - - - -


Greenhouse Gas Inventory (Scope 3; Categories 3~6)
Since 2020, Merry has conducted Scope 3 (Categories 3~6) inventories in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2018 greenhouse gas inventory standards. The organizational boundaries for the inventory have gradually included Taiwan headquarters, Merry Shenzhen, Merry Vietnam, and Merry Thailand. Key sites have been subject to external verification each year, aiming to comprehensively include subcategory emissions within the reporting boundaries. In 2023, Merry conducted inventory for 12 Scope 3 emission items, with a total emission amount of 14,692.07 tons CO2e.
Unit:CO2e-t 2021 2022 2023
Inventory Organizational Boundary 2021-2022:Taiwan Headquarters, Merry Shenzhen, Merry Vietnam, Merry Thailand
2023 New additions: Merry USA, Merry Singapore, Merry Hong Kong, Merry AUSTAR, Merry North America, Merry Malaysia
Scope 3-1 Product and services purchased  Category4.1 1,042.78 1,561.26 321.65
Scope 3-2 Capital products Category4.2 - 14.34 46.49
Scope 3-3 Activities related to fuels and energy not under Scope 1 or 2 Category4.1 - 1,374.52 2,519.38
Scope 3-4 Upstream transportation and delivery Category3.1 309.68 2.04 1,649.56
cope 3-5 Wastes generated from operations Category4.3 213.37 28.75 70.20
Scope 3-6 Business trips Category3.5 4.36 44.85 287.11
Scope 3-7 Employee commutation Category3.3 401.02 766.09 1,789.48
Scope 3-8 Upstream lease assets Category4.4 2.67 無相關業務 2,712.70
Scope 3-9 Downstream transportation and delivery Category3.2 - 12,082.24 1,043.32
Scope 3-10 Processing of Sold Products Category5.1 - - 514.18
Scope 3-11 Use of Sold Products Category5.1 - - 3,667.88
Scope 3-13 Downstream Leased Assets Category5.2 - - 70.12


Energy management
Over the years, indirect emissions from electricity consumption have been the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions for Merry . The company is committed to energy-saving and enhancing energy efficiency to promote energy-saving and carbon reduction initiatives. Since 2016, the Taiwan headquarters has implemented the ISO 50001 Energy Management System, which was later extended to Merry Shenzhen. Both the Taiwan headquarters and Merry Shenzhen passed ISO 50001:2018 third-party certification in 2020, and their certificates are currently valid. Through a systematic approach, various energy-saving and carbon reduction measures have been implemented, and energy-saving equipment has been continuously updated. Over the years, outdated chillers and air conditioners have been replaced with energy-efficient chillers that meet COP value specifications. In recent years, an energy management system has been gradually established. This digital system automatically collects data and actively tracks energy consumption, enhancing energy-saving efficiency year by year.
Total Energy Consumption
Energy Consumption Intensity
Non-Renewable Fuel Consumption
Total Electricity Consumption (Including Renewable Energy)
Unit:GJ 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Non-Renewable Electricity Consumption 75,855.11 99,975.52 120,584.40 104,298.79 91,245.20
Total Renewable Electricity Consumption - - 7,786.71 10,951.08 19,731.89

Total Electricity Consumption

75,855.11 99,975.52 128,371.12 115,249.86 110,977.09
Unit:GJ 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Non-Renewable Energy Consumption Intensity 2.0841 2.9025 3.33 2.9464 2.4869
Renewable Energy Consumption Intensity - - 0.22 0.3094 0.5378
Total Energy Consumption Intensity 2.0841 2.9025 3.5479 3.2558 3
Unit:GJ 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
LNG - - 7,358.27 10,387.22 13,223.18
LPG 101.45 283.96 1,279.00 147.55 47.75
GAS 1,600.04 1,414.89 878.79 934.56 938.9
柴油 233.37 471.84 535.95 213.1 173.5
Unit:GJ 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Non-Renewable Electricity Consumption 73,920.25 97,804.84 110,532.38 92,616.35 76,861.88
Total Renewable Electricity Consumption - - 7,786.71 10,951.08 19,731.89

Total Electricity Consumption

73,920.25 97,804.84 118,319.10 103,567.43 96,593.77


Taiwan HQ

  • Replaced old chillers with screw-type variable frequency chillers to increase energy efficiency
  • Installed independent electricity meters on each floor of the new building to facilitate tracking of electricity usage in office areas and improve abnormal electricity consumption.

Merry Shenzhen

  • Waste Heat Recovery System: Installed a waste heat recovery system on air compression equipment to use recovered heat for providing hot water in dormitories and improve the efficiency of the air compressors.
  • Energy Management System in Plant 2: Introduced electricity meter monitoring and established an energy management system in Plant 2. The system automatically collects data, allowing for real-time improvements in case of abnormal electricity consumption.
  • Air Compressor Monitoring: Implemented monitoring devices to track the air production of air compressors.

Merry Vietnam

  • Added timed control to air conditioning and air compression units, allowing for multiple scheduled start and stop times.
  • Installed air cooling modules for air conditioning systems, equipped with on/off switches to save unnecessary energy consumption.
  • Implemented timed on/off control for vending machines in the factory area, turning on for refrigeration at 6:00 AM and off at 7:00 PM, saving approximately 23,760 kWh annually.
  • Replaced factory area street lights with solar panel street lights, saving approximately 5,940 kWh annually. Street lights with solarpowered lights, saving approximately 5,940 kWh annually.


Merry Thailand

  • • Variable Frequency Drives for Air Compression Equipment: Added variable frequency drives to air compression equipment, estimated to save 66,204 kWh annually.
  • Variable Frequency Air Conditioners: Replaced fixed-frequency air conditioners with variable frequency units, estimated to save 66,600 kWh annually.
  • Solar-Powered Outdoor Lighting: Converted all outdoor lighting to solar-powered lights, estimated to save 9,056 kWh annually.

Merry Suzhou

  • Adjusting Air Compressor Upper Pressure Limit: Adjust the upper pressure limit of air compressors and modify start/ stop times based on minimum demand to reduce energy consumption.
  • LED Lighting and Power Switches: Replace existing lighting with LED fixtures and install power switches to allow for turning off lights as needed.


  • Updated Air Conditioning Control Program at Austar: Updated the air conditioning control program based on actual usage conditions within the plant and optimized the cooling system, estimated to save 49,500 kWh annually.
  • Adjusting Air Compressor Upper Pressure Limit: Adjust the upper pressure limit of air compressors and modify start/stop times based on minimum demand to reduce energy consumption.
Use of Renewable Electricity
In 2023, Merry used a total of 6,978 MWh of renewable electricity under its RE100 commitment, accounting for 23.11% of total electricity consumption. Of this, 2,213 MWh was directly renewable electricity, representing a 143.99% increase compared to 2022. The remaining 4,765 MWh was covered through the purchase of renewable energy certificates. Moving forward, Merry will continue to promote the use of renewable electricity across all operational sites, replicating successful experiences from one site to another to fulfill the RE100 commitment and achieve the 2040 carbon neutrality environmental sustainability goal.
  2021 2022 2023
% of Renewable Energy Certificates 78.18% 83.53% 68.28%
% of Actual Renewable Energy Usage 21.82% 16.47% 31.72%


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